Thursday, January 10, 2013

Book Review: Who Do You Think You Are? by Mark Driscoll

When it comes to the question of identity, we always have some basic questions. Who am I? What kind of person? Why am I short? Why am I an account? When it comes to our identity in Christ, many Christians have no clue. Christians forget that their identity in Christ is found in the Bible.

In Mark Driscoll's latest book, Who Do You Think You Are?, the question of identity is mentioned throughout the entire book. Usually Driscoll writes theology books that are so user friendly that many of the leity in the church can understand. This book is more practical and for everyone.

Driscoll preaches through this book as if he was preaching at Mars Hill Church, which he is starting a series of messages based on this book this Sunday. In the book, Driscoll goes through the book of Ephesians, which deals with the issue of identity. One thing Driscoll makes clear is this is not a commentary on the book of Ephesians, even though he does make references to commentaries on Ephesians.

Each chapter of the book begins with the words "I am." Not to be making think that we are doing what Jesus said when He called Himself "I am" (John 8:58). These chapters refer to our identity that is found in Christ which is a theme and key phrase throughout the book of Ephesians. "I am in Christ," "I am a Saint," "I am Heard," and "I am Adopted" are just a few example of the titles of the chapters in the book. One thing that is a plus in the book is at the beginning of each chapter, Driscoll puts down the Scripture that he was going over. In the beginning of the book, Driscoll encourages his readers to read through the book of Ephesians as one goes through his book. Another plus in the book is Driscoll tells a story from his church that has based their identity on what they have done or who they have become as it relates to the chapter the story it is in.

This is Driscoll's most practical book to date, not to mention his best. I loved reading this book. This is a book that even those who are not familiar with Driscoll's teaching will be introduced very well into his theology.

Thanks Booksneeze for letting me review this book.

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