Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Preaching To The Easter Crowd

Easter this Sunday where we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I don't know about you, but I get excited about Easter because we are celebrating a resurrected Savior who conquer death and endured the wrath of God on the cross three days prior to His resurrection. I know a lot of churches are excited about Easter because there will be some new faces in the church building that go to church only on Easter. For many of those people, it is based on tradition (my family has always attended church on Easter) or on obligation (I get to take this off my list of duties to perform for the year).

Here is the question for all preachers who will be preaching this Sunday: How should one preach to the Easter crowd? Good question. I know there are many opinions on this issue, so let me offer a few of mine.

First, preach the gospel. I know, it is one of those "duh" statements but its true. Some churches will preach another sermon not having anything to do with Easter. Some churches might preach on how to get your finances straight or how to have a successful marriage but not the gospel. Paul said that the gospel is "of first importance" (1 Corinthians 15:3) yet many churches will not make it that way. They will say "Happy Easter" then might explain why this day is about followed by whatever sermon they have prepared.

Second, preach with boldness. If you love the truth, let it be known through your preaching. If your sermon is on the Resurrection, preach it as if you believe it. I am not saying you should shout like Mark Driscoll or Tony Evans, but preach like you preaching the most important sermon of your life to people who need to hear the truth.

Third, preach knowing you are going to offend someone. Like it or not, you are going to offend people on Easter Sunday. Some people came for a feel good sermon because they think all preachers preach like Joel Osteen. Boldly proclaim the resurrection. Telling people Jesus is alive and He is the only way to God (that's offensive to many). The gospel of Jesus is the most offensive message to lost people because we are telling them they are sinners and they need a Savior.

Finally, preach in love. I know all preachers love their people. So love the Easter crowd. Communicate that God loves them and so do you. Jesus always preached in love even He was stern with the religious leaders of His day.

Easter is the biggest day of the year for Christians because we celebrate what God has done through Jesus and we get to see people come to Christ because of the faithful preachers preaching the gospel on that day. I cannot wait to see what God does in our church and all churches this Sunday. To God be the glory.

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