Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Gospel of The "Already Been"

If we're suppose to preach the gospel to ourselves every day, what's the actual content of that message? What is it exactly that we need to keep reminding ourselves of?

If God has saved you-if he's given you the faith to believe, and you're now a Christian, if you've transferred trust from your own accomplishments and abilities to Christ's accomplishments on behalf of sinners-then here's the good news. In the phraseology of Colossians 1, it's simply this: you've already been qualified, you've already been delivered, you've already been transferred, you've already been redeemed, and you've already been forgiven.

Day by day, what God wants us to experience practically only happens as we come to a deeper understanding of what we are positionally-a deeper understanding of what's already ours in Christ.

Tullian Tchividjian, Jesus + Nothing = Everything

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