Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Book Review: A Hope Deferred by J. Stephen Yuille

Adoption seems to be on a lot of people's mind. I have heard more adoption stories in the last five years than anytime before then. A loving family who has children of their own and want to show love to a child who does not live with a mom and/or dad. Another family who cannot have natural born children decided to adopt a child who has been abandoned. Countless stories of adoption have been flooding the Internet and newspapers.

Then comes our adoption into the family of God. Many Christians accept the fact that God is now their heavenly father but do not understand that they have been adopted by God. Many chapters in theology books has been written on the subject. Very few books have been written on adoption by itself. Also not very many sermons have been preached in our churches. What about stories of a family adopting a child and through that understanding the doctrine of adoption?

Stephen Yuille, in his book, A Hope Deferred, writes about is about the doctrine of adoption and the Fatherhood of God as well as his own story of adoption. This book has seven chapters on the doctrine of adoption with each chapter followed by Yuille and his family's adoption story. Yuille clearly teaches on what adoption is and then uses Romans 8 throughout the rest of the book in teaching his readers the benefits of our adoption by God, which include our sins being cleansed, renewed affections, and satisfied longings.

If you want to read on the doctrine of adoption while hearing the story of one family's adoption story, this is the book for you. I am so thankful for Yuille's teaching on adoption because many Christian leaders will try to make it more complicated.

Thanks Shepherd Press for letting me review this book.

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