Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Book Review: Captivated by Thabiti M. Anyabwile

Many Christians have reserved the teaching of the death and resurrection of Jesus for Easter Sunday just as many reserved the birth of Christ for Christmas. I truly believe that many Christians have lost the wonder of the resurrection that when Easter comes around they have no joy because of what God has done through Jesus. I also believe that many Christians have lost the amazement of the resurrection that they cannot share it with those who do not believe.

I love reading books on the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ and the deep theological teaching that goes with it. Reasons are to remind me of what God has done through the finished work of Jesus on the cross and to teach me that what Jesus went through was not just to die for our sins but to take on the punishment for our sins. Thabiti A Anyabwile has written an engaging book called, Captivated: Beholding The Mystery of Jesus' Death and Resurrection, which were based on a series of Easter sermons his church, First Baptist Church, Grand Cayman on the Cayman Islands. This book has only five chapters which is packed with Biblical truth regarding the crucifixion and resurrection that even a lost person can pick up and read.

Chapter one is about Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane asking the Father if there is another way, lets do it, if not I will do your will. Anyabwile goes on to say why there Jesus is the only way for our sins to be atoned for which was through Jesus' death on the cross. Chapter two is about the agony Jesus experienced on the cross as he cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46). Anyabwile talks about the difficult teaching as to why Jesus had to experience such a separation for the Father that He never experienced before.

Chapter three addresses that Jesus conquered death by dying in our place on the cross. Anyabwile said, "(The)death of Jesus Christ means the death of death itself...the death of death in the death of Jesus Christ also means victory over death for those who trust in Christ as their God and Savior. Death is dead. We have won" (pg. 42). Chapter four is about the resurrections and the importance of it for Christians to embrace it. Compared to all false messiahs the world has place their faith in, they are dead but Jesus is alive. The final chapter is simply asking the question, "Do You Not Know These Things?" In this chapter, Anyabwile shared the gospel and the importance of believing Jesus is who the Bible claims Him to be. Anyabwile also teaches on the importance of Jesus coming in the flesh and why we cannot deny it.

I have always loved Thabiti Anyabwile's writings. So when the opportunity came to review this book, I did not hesitate. If you are a new believer, this book will benefit you and all your lost friends. If you are a maturing believer, you will also benefit from this book that will stir your affections for Jesus. I encourage all Christians to read this book, then get a copy for a lost person and read it with them.

Thanks Reformation Heritage Books for letting me review this book.

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