Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Biblical Ignorance

How can Christians be so ignorant? If you ask people of the church what is justification, you may hear a variety of answers. So true gospel-centered answers that point to Jesus as the one who gave His life so we can be justified. Others may give some self-centered answer.

Ignorance has been defined as a state of being uninformed or unaware. Does this sound like people you know? Not just in the areas of the Bible but also in life. One of the reasons people vote in our country is not just on the issues but on the personality. I have know people who have had voter regret because of the person they put in office.

What do I mean by Biblical ignorance? This is my working definition: Biblical ignorance is where Christians are unaware of what is contained in the Bible and think that anyone or anything that comes in the name of God is Biblical. I know it is long but it is true. What do we do when someone mentions God? We assume they are a Christian. We do that with politicians, celebrities, athletes, and even people in a church building.

This post is a short introduction to a series of blogs where we will explore Biblical ignorance. I pray that God will open our eyes and show us what is in his word and discern what is not of Him.

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