Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Book Review: I Will by Thom Rainer

Most local churches have a problem. The problem is are too focused on what is happening on the inside. They tend to think about the ministry for the body, which is important, but tend to neglect those outside the church walls. Sometimes they even make the church have a country club atmosphere rather than a welcoming place for sinners.

In his latest book, I Will, Thom Rainer talks about what steps a church need to take in order to move being inward focus to outward focus. Notice the title of the book is "I Will" not "I Am." Many church members say "I am" in regards to their actions which may be the right actions that determine who you are. Rainer suggests that we move from an "I am" mentality to an "I will" focus in regards to reaching people for Christ.

Moving from "I am" to "I will" is one of the traits Rainer says that mark an outward focused Christian. The other traits include worshiping with other which we see throughout the pages of scripture particularly in the New Testament. There are no Lone Ranger Christians. We are called to worship God with the church as well as grow together.

The other traits deal with looking beyond ourselves in our giving as well as service to others. One thing Rainer talks about is not being a church dropout. He said you can do no one any good if you leave the church. The body will hurt if you are not serving. Rainer calls on Christians to no longer be like those watching football in the stands, spectators. Christians are called to serve others in and outside the church for the glory of Christ.

Like Rainer's last two books, I Am A Church Member and Autopsy of a Deceased Church, he delivers a message that anyone in the church will be able to avoid. I Will delivers a powerful message that all in the church should read. Pastors, get this book in the hands of your people. Christians, I challenge you to read this and examine yourself to see if you do focus on others.

Thanks B & H Publishing Group for letting me review this book.

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