The question remains. What is the mark of the beast? “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” There is all manner of fanciful interpretations as to how the number 666 plays out: a social security number, a swastika, a bar code, a computer chip placed under the skin, or an actual tattoo bearing 666.
The mark of the beast, like the sealing of the Holy Spirit, is not something that is limited to the physical body. It is a mind and heart issue. The mark of the beast contains all qualities that are embodied in the acceptance of false doctrines. Consider what the beast is— a universally accepted false religion. It is a system, a set of beliefs, and an obvious sensual form of worship. It is a false way of salvation.
A mark is something that distinguishes between two or more things. In this case, the mark of the beast is that which distinguishes those who worship the beast from those who do not. The placement of the mark is significant. It is placed either on the right hand or the forehead. The forehead symbolizes false doctrine that is accepted and confessed within the mind or the intellect. It is the mental acceptance and confession of anti-Christian teachings. It is not a dangerous or damning stamping of some external physical mark on the body, but rather, doctrines held firmly in the mind. This is truly serious and potentially soul-destroying.
The mark on the hand is an emblem of the works of the flesh, evil practices, professions, and beliefs that lead to identifiable deeds. The effects of false doctrines do not remain benign or obscure; they burst forth into a most wicked behavior in God’s sight and the most violent abuses of one’s fellow man. Truly, bad teachings equal bad living. Look at the series of sixes. Good but often misguided men have seen the number 666 as a code for producing a specific name from an ancient Hebrew method of equating a letter to a number. Most convincing are the Latinos, or Romans. Other names have been suggested such as Nero, Adolph Hitler, Stalin, Bill Clinton, and even Barack Obama. It seems unlikely that it is such a code.
Adapted from Victory in Jesus: A Devotional Commentary on the Book of Revelation
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