Thursday, October 3, 2019

Book Review: God's Word for Today...The Bible by John Stott

The Bible is God's Word and has been debated more than any other book in history. It is the World's number 1 best seller. It is the most accessible book in the world yet it is the least book read in the world. Christians need to have a healthy view of the Bible.

In the third book of the "God's Word for Today" series, John Stott addresses the Bible and its importance. He begins by stating the Bible teaches us how to be saved. The Bible shows us why we need to be saved and we can be saved. We see the Bible is God-breathed as God breathed life into Adam, God gave life to his Word. It is a not living organism like you and me, but it is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), but it is not living document that is subject to change. According to 2 Timothy 3:16-17, the Bible is useful for teaching, reproofing, and for training in righteousness so that we are equipped for every good work.

The Bible is also used for preaching. Stott says the pulpit is not for our opinions but for God's Word. Preaching to help Christians get proper understanding of who God is and what our response should be to His gospel. Our response to the Bible is always a means for us to become mature disciples in our worship, faith, obedience, and where we truly put our hope in. We are to studying the Word for ourselves as well. Yes, hearing the Word is important, but Christians need to get into it if they want to mature in the faith.

Once again, an excellent book in this series, which I recommend to all new believers and small group leaders as they assist their fellow believers in growing in their faith.

Thank InterVarsity Press for letting me review this book.

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