Monday, November 16, 2020

High View of God Leads To Higher Worship

The most important aspect of who we are is what comes into our minds when we think of God. The trajectory of our lives is directed by our understanding of God. Moreover, our eternal destiny hinges on our relationship to Him and who we believe He is. If we are to live as He intends for us to live, we must know who He is and what He is like.

As our knowledge of God goes, so goes the direction of our lives. A high view of God will lead us to lofty worship of Him. A growing understanding of His character will lead to holy and righteous living in the pursuit of His will. Conversely,  a low view of God will lead to diminished praise of Him. Inevitably, base view of Him will lead to low and empty living. 

There is nothing more important in our lives than knowing God and living for the glory of His great and awesome name.

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