Tuesday, February 2, 2021

10 Quotes from John Calvin on Prayer

1. We shall never want a reason for prayer, nor a ground of confidence, since the kingdom, power, and glory, can never be wrested from our Father.” 

2. “The prayers of the church are never in vain because God always furnishes his people with materials for a song of joy.” 

3. “Our prayers, which otherwise would be polluted are sanctified by the intercession of Christ.” 

4. “Praises that do not flow from this sweetness of love will never please God.” 

5. “The only prayer acceptable to God is that which springs from this presumption of faith and is founded on the full assurance of hope.” 

6. “No heart will ever rise to genuine prayer that does not at the same time long for holiness.” 

7. “God cannot be favorable to any but those whom he pardons.” 

8. “Prayer digs up those treasures which the Gospel of our Lord discovers to the eye of faith.” 

9. “As faith springs from the gospel, so by faith our hearts are framed to call upon the name of God.” 

10. “Our most merciful Father will not reject those whom he not only encourages to come but urges in every possible way.”

Source 10 Quotes from Prayer: The Chief Exercise of Faith by John Calvin

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