Monday, February 15, 2021

The Gospel Is Not About Moralizing The Culture

The culture as a whole is externally benefited by the inward and personal transformation that takes place within the individual followers of Christ. The more a society consists of those who have been born again, the more that society is impacted for good. No doubt, many temporal benefits follow the spread and reception of the gospel. We are indeed the salt of the earth (Matt. 5:13). If nothing else, if it weren’t for the redeemed, there would be nothing preventing God from destroying the world. 

The gospel changes societies at the individual level. The gospel is not designed for political revolution but for reaching the lost with the hope of eternal life. Unless sinners submit to the gospel of the kingdom, they have no lasting hope. God is not interested in moralizing the wicked. God has not promised to sanctify the culture or to redeem earthly governments, nor is He concerned with Christianizing the wicked with the false hope of external morality.

Adapted from The Five Points of Amillennialism by Jeffrey Johnson

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