Friday, April 23, 2021

Bible Filled Sermons

Sermons should be full of the Bible, sweetened, strengthened, and sanctified with Bible essence. Outgrowths of Scripture are the kinds of sermons people need to hear. If they do not love to hear them, this is all the more reason why we should preach Scripture to them. The gospel has the singular ability to create a taste for itself. Bible hearers, when they hear indeed, come to be Bible lovers. The mere stringing of texts together is a poor way of making sermons, though some have tried it, and I don’t doubt God has blessed them, since they did their best. It is far better to string texts together than to pour out one’s own poor thoughts in a watered-down flood. There will at least be something to be thought of and remembered if we quote the Holy Word. With our own thoughts, there may be nothing to be thought of and remembered. 

Adapted from The Greatest Fight by Charles Spurgeon

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