Monday, April 19, 2021

The Gospel Can Transform The World

There are some that believe preaching the gospel is not enough to make change in our society. What must be done is to act. Some would say make reparations, protest, and even speaking out against injustice. Those things might be good in the sight of many and could affect change, but it will never change hearts.

Scott David Allen, author of Why Social Justice Is Not Biblical Justice, wrote:

Yes, we long to see our broken, impoverished, hurting societies healed. But the solutions provided by social justice advocates only make things worse by misdiagnosing the problem. It isn’t the patriarchy or “whiteness,” and it certainly isn’t biblical sexual morality. Unjust and oppressive human systems, structures, institutions, laws, and norms are symptoms, not the disease. The disease is sin. It is alienation from God and the resulting alienations that flow from that—alienation from ourselves, our neighbors, and creation itself. The solution is inward heart and mind transformation through the gospel, leading to outward, societal transformation.

“Our primary means of transforming the world is through proclaiming the gospel,” says pastor Grover Gunn. “We must today never question the effectiveness of the gospel message as the cutting edge of positive social change.” John Stott agrees: “Evangelism is the major instrument of social change. For the gospel changes people, and changed people can change society.”

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