Thursday, April 1, 2021

What If There is No Hell?

The Doctrine of Hell is one where most people can never accept. There are even some Christians who say that a loving God can never send people to Hell. We have some who profess the name of Christ saying that God did not invent Hell, we did. Some would even say that Hell does not exist. 

Recently, Jory Micah tweeted the following:

I’m not mad at my parents for allowing me to believe that there was a literal hell. They taught me what they knew. But my whole family knows better now.

Hell does not exist.

It’s not a physical place. God does not torment people ever or forever. God is love, gentleness & mercy!

This is common among progressive Christians. They want to redefine what the Bible teaches. They want to do away with doctrines that have been in the church for over 2,000 years. We had Rob Bell with his infamous book, Love Wins, and now we have Jory Micah saying Hell is not real. 

Let imagine for a moment if Hell is not real. Let us think for a moment what that will do to the Christian faith. First, if Hell is not real then Jesus would have been a false teacher. Jesus mentioned Hell more than anyone in the Bible so if it is not real that Jesus millions of people astray. 

Second, if Hell is not real and Jesus being a false teacher, that means the Bible is wrong. As Christians, we believe that Scripture is without error, but if Hell is not real that means it is with error, which leads us to the third point, God would be a liar. Hebrews 6:18 and Titus 1:2 says that God cannot liar but it Hell is not real, that means the perfect Holy Father is not perfect nor is He holy. 

Fourth, if there is no Hell, why bother proclaiming the gospel. Why should we waste our time telling people about the gift of eternal life through Christ. Fifth, if there is no Hell, why did Jesus die on the cross. God place our sin on Christ to make propitiation for our sins. Our sins have separated us from God and if we do not repent, we deserve punishment. If there is no Hell, then what was the point of the crucifixion? What is the point of living a holy life? Let us just drop this thing called Christianity and live like life is a party, if there is no Hell. What will the point of celebrating the Resurrection if there is no Hell? Why have Good Friday?

Christianity would be another false religion if there was no Hell. The Bible would not be God's Word. Thankfully, the Bible is God-breathed and used to train us (2 Timothy 3:16-17). It has been given to us for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) and judges the intentions of our hearts (Hebrews 4:12). The Bible shows us there is a place called Hell. 

Hell is a place of eternal punishment (Matthew 25:46), where there will be away from the presence of the Lord (2 Thessalonians 1:9). It is the place of eternal fire where the wrath of God is poured on those who did not obey the command that "everyone everywhere should repent" (Acts 17:30, LSB). 

As we approach Easter, let us remember that Christ saved us from the wrath of God (Romans 5:9) and His kindness leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4) so that we can have the gracious gift of eternal life in Christ rather than paying for the wags of our sin which is death (Romans 6:23).

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