Friday, May 14, 2021

Update from Voddie Baucham

This is a recent e-mail from Voddie Baucham Ministries:

Thank you to all of you who have been supporting me and my family in prayer over the past few months.  As we have walked through recent health trials, your support has meant more than you could possibly know.  We are grateful to God for the ways he has encouraged us through you.

In early February, Bridget and I left Lusaka headed for the USA seeking treatment for my recently diagnosed heart failure.  The Lord was gracious to us in allowing us to make it to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL just in the nick of time.  According to one doctor there, I arrived in the ER "within hours of experiencing a catastrophic event."

After being admitted to Mayo, I underwent a minimally invasive procedure to address the most immediate, life-threatening problems with my heart's rate and rhythm.  Following this procedure, there was a full battery of tests to make sure there weren't other problems with my heart.  Unfortunately, there were other problems.  So on April 4th, the day before I was scheduled to start my promotional tour for Fault Lines, I was readmitted to Mayo.  This time to undergo a quadruple bypass.  

The Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG, or Cabbage) was successful and I was released within days of the open-heart surgery.  At two weeks post-op, I started Cardio Rehab, and have been making steady progress.  

Our current plan is to leave Jacksonville on May 29th and head back to Lusaka on June 20th.  

I will be able to resume most of my activities on the 4th of July (12 weeks post-op), and will gradually work towards full participation in all of my prior activities (including Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) within six months post-op.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Yes, please continue to pray for Voddie as he recovers. 

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