Friday, January 28, 2022

Book Review: God With Us by Justin Holcomb

Jesus Christ is the most read about person in history. There have been more books about Him as well movies and TV shows. Jesus is the most studied individual in all of history. There are books in bookstores that address the person of Christ both Christian and non-Christian. Jesus is the most talked about Man in all of history. 

The Bible shows us who Jesus is and what He has done. As we study the Bible, we come to know Him. We cannot know Christ apart from the Bible and, as Steven Lawson says, "We cannot follow Christ apart from the Bible." 

There are many great books that have been written about Jesus Christ whether commentaries or seminary textbooks. There have also been devotionals written about Christ to assist you to follow Him and know Him. Justin Holcomb has compiled a devotional that assist believers to know more about the person and work of Jesus Christ, which is titled, God With Us.

Holcomb serves as an Episcopal priest, teaches theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, and has authored a few books. Holcomb is the editor of this devotional which includes writings from theologians such as John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, Horatius Bonar, Charles Spurgeon, B.B. Warfield, and more. It even contains portions of the Heidelberg Catechism . There are other authors, who I am not familiar with.

Reviewing a devotional is challenging because you have to look at an entire year's worth of reading. I will say that each page contains a verse for day, as with a majority of daily devotionals, followed by writings on Christ. Some are brief, some are not, but each devotional is one page in length, which is perfect to accompanied daily Bible reading. 

Overall, I did not see anything heretical or unbiblical in the teachings of each entry.  You may not agree with everything in this book, but it will help you meditate on the person and work of Jesus Christ.

I was given a copy of this book by Bethany House in exchange for a review.

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