Wednesday, January 19, 2022

God's Word Stands Forever

The grass withers, the flower fades, 

But the word of our God stands forever (Isaiah 40:8, LSB).

One of the best things about the winter season is there not a whole lot of gardening to do, which in my case, consists of mowing the yard. I love mowing the grass, but there are times it seems that after I mow it, the grass grows back over night. 

In winter, the grass is not as green as in Spring time. It does not grow as other seasons, but it is still there. Whenever there is a freeze warning, people are encouraged to bring their plants in so they will not die. Back in February, we had a snow storm that resulted in losing six shrubs in front of our house. Thankfully, all the potted plants survived. 

The Prophets Isaiah gives us a perfect illustration when it comes to the word of God comparing it to grass and flowers. There is no comparison. Grass and flowers with wither and die. Some may grow back, but there will be some will not. The word of our God will stand forever even when if there ever comes a day where there is no grass in the fields. 

God's word has stood the test of time. It has been debated. It has been examined. Some have believed it. Some have not yet it stands forever. No matter our opinions or feelings, The Bible is the word of God. 

That settles it. 

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