Thursday, May 19, 2022

The Christian Life is not a Private One

Many people want their lives to be private. They want to be left alone or just simply be in their homes where no one bothers them. There are some celebrities that like to keep their private life out of the spotlight for various reasons. 

Christians are not be ones that live privately. We are to salt and light. In order for us to do that, we need to be out in the world. I am not saying do not go home after a long days work. What I am saying is that we are to be people who proclaim the gospel to everyone around us as best we can. 

Our faith is not something that we should keep private. We love sharing our joy when our favorite team wins or when you child walks for the first time. Christians have been given the best news to proclaim and that is the gospel.

We are meant to share life together with the church. I am not saying you share every detail of your life, but we are meant to commune with one another. We are edify one another and spur one another toward good works which glorify God. 

Christians are live a life that honors God that boldly proclaims the gospel and live out there faith even in their homes so our faith is not even private behind closed doors. We are live out our faith in our jobs as best we can even if we have an office job where there is not much interaction. 

The Christian life is not one that is meant to be privatized. 

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