Monday, November 7, 2022

Book Review: Redeeming Productivity by Reagan Rose

Who wants to get more productive? Okay, maybe not a lot of people will admit they want to do more, but most likely some will admit they wished they can do less. There are some that love their jobs but do not want to do. Pastors are in that mix too. If you have been on staff at a church, you know what I mean.

Many think that doing more can be more of a hinderance yet doing the hinderance comes from doing less. For Christians, we should strive to do more. No, I am not saying we do more for God to love us or guarantee our salvation. Doing more means that we actually look at why we should do more.

In his book, Redeeming Productivity, Reagan Rose gives us five, what he calls, the five pillars of Christian productivity:

You belong to God.

You exist to glorify God

You were saved to bear fruit for God.

You are uniquely gifted by God.

You will give an account to God.

Rose shows us from the Bible how why these pillars matter and how we can put them into practice. Such as making a morning routine with Bible reading, setting goals, and keeping an eye on your commitments. 

There are a lot of books out in the marketplace that might help you be more productive; however, they are from a worldly point of view. This book is a Bible-centered book on being more productive in this life.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for an honest review. 

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