Monday, January 23, 2023

Book Review: Scribes & Scripture by John D Meade and Peter J Gurry

Many have wondered how we got the Bible. Most Christians know the Bible came from God, yet He did not just drop it out the heavens or it just appeared out of nowhere. There have a been many classes in seminaries and Bible colleges on this as well as books. The latest on is from John Meade and Peter Gurry titled, Scribes & Scripture.

The book begins with how the Bible was written. We know that the Bible was written by 40 authors, which we can name most of them, inspired by God to communicate His message using their own writing styles. God used words to communicate His message. Not just words that were spoken, but words that were written. 

Meade and Gurry states in this book that the unsung heroes of the Bible are the scribes. These scribes were the ones who copies the Bible so that it would be preserved since there were no copiers or printing presses back in the day. One thing that the authors pointed out is that the Bible was written during the time of the scribes who developed information technology and education for that day. Without their desire for education and writing, we would have no Bible. 

Throughout the book, the authors address how the scribes copies the Old and New Testaments as well as the canonization of the Bible. They even talked about the various translations of the Bible including the earliest English translation to the King James Version and beyond. 

This book arrived at the right time when certain Christians are questioning the Bible. This book will help you understand the history of how we got the Bible. This is good for personal study as well as taking a small group through. 

I received this book from Crossway in exchange for an honest review.

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