Monday, January 9, 2023

Book Review: Strange New World by Carl R. Trueman

For several years, our culture seems to spiral out of control especially in regard to issues of sexuality. We have seen celebrities coming out of the closest, so to speak, and even some that want to change their genders. We now have issues of people wanting to be called a certain pronoun that may not be associated with the gender they were born as. People define their gender not science or, most importantly, God Himself.

Strange New World is an appropriate title from Carl Truman regarding the issues that identity politics have played into the chaos we see. This book a condensed version of Truman's other work, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self

This book deals with the issues of sexual revolution on how it affects every aspect of our culture including how Christians are to conduct themselves in a world full of people who are confused about who they are. Truman takes a look at the LGBTQ community and how they have come from a people who wanted to be just left alone to people who wanted it their way or no way. Truman concludes with how Christians are to engage in this world. The title of the last chapter is appropriately titled "Strangers in this Strange New World." We are sojourners and exiles (1 Peter 2:11) in this world yet we are called to be holy as God is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16). 

If you have read Truman's previous work, you know there is a lot of good information in there regarding what is happening in the culture and how we can engage it. The same can be said for this book which will be great from small group discussions and even one-on-one discipleship.

I received this book from Crossway in exchange for a honest review.

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