Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Book Review: The Story of Abortion in America by Marvin Olasky and Leah Savas

I was not involved in the church till I was 15 years old, and I cannot remember any time during church or youth gatherings where Abortions was ever mentioned. The first time I have Abortion ever mentioned was a song by dc Talk titled, Children Can Live (Without It). I believe it was my time in college where I heard all about Abortion.

I always thought that Abortion was around when Roe v Wade was ruled in the Supreme Court. As I continued to look into this issue, I found out that was not the case. Abortion has been around for a long time even before the 20th century. Marvin Olasky and Leah Savas have written a book that takes a look at the history of Abortion in the United States, which is titled, The Story of Abortion in America. 

This book is divided into 5 parts which covers the history of Abortion beginning in 1652 all the way to 2022. Each chapter of the book are not very length, but they get straight to the point. They address the players who began this practice and even those who opposed it.

As I mentioned, this goes back as far as the day before America became its our sovereign nation, which means for those who thought this was only a 20th century problem back in the day, like myself, were wrong. Olasky and Savas do address the overturning of Roe v Wade brought a lot of rejoicing for the Pro-Life Movement. However, the work is not over. There are still states that have partial or full access to Abortion. 

This book is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the history of this terrible practice. Give this book to doctors who are pro-life and, if you know any, politicians so that they may understand what has been allowed in America.

I received this book from Crossway in exchange for an honest review.

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