Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Book Review: Can We Trust the Gospels? by Peter J Williams

The first four books of the New Testament are commonly referred to as the gospels. These four books give us the account of the earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus, yet they are not an exhaustive biography on the life of Jesus. 

Some of the books tell the same events that happened during the earthly ministry of Jesus, and some tell other events while omitting others. Some will say this is a reason why we cannot trust the gospels nor the rest of the Bible. Some will point out there are certain "contradictions" in these gospel accounts. 

Peter J. Williams addresses many issues when it comes to accepting the gospel accounts of Jesus Christ in his book, Can We Trust the Gospels? Williams is a member of the ESV Translation Oversight Committee among being an expert in biblical research and a lecturer in New Testament.

Williams looks at non-Christian sources and what they say about these gospel accounts along with what are these gospel accounts, which are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Williams continues to look more in the writers of the gospels and if they knew what they were writing along with asking why anyone would make on this up. Lets think this for a moment. How can anyone make up the gospel accounts from the miracles to the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus consider the state of the world back during that day.

What about the contradictions? Yes, Williams does address those difference between one gospel to another that may seem that is contradictory which is not. Consider this: the gospel writers were four different men writing to different audiences. Two of the gospel writers were disciples of Jesus during His earthly ministry and the other two were not. There are some differences in the gospels, but it does not make it untrue or less inspired. 

This is an excellent book that is straight to the point and not an exhaustive theological book that people in the church, layman or leader, can use.

I received this book from Crossway in exchange for an honest review.

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