Monday, August 7, 2023

Book Review: Growing In Christ by J.I. Packer

How does one grow in Christ? That is the question many ask after they become a Christian. Some have even asked that as they continue to attend their church.

There have been many books written on the subject of growing in your faith and J.I. Packer has written one, titled, Growing in Christ. Packer takes this book in four parts in helping his readers understand how to grow as a believer.

The first part is based on the Apostle's Creed. This is what Packer will call, affirming the essentials of the Christian faith. This requires believing in who God is and what Jesus has done for us on the cross. 

The second part deals with baptism and conversion. This section might a little confusing for some since Packer is a paedo Baptist and those who attend a credo Baptist church might not understand why Packer is addressing baptizing infants. Granted, Packer does address what being baptized in the Holy Spirit truly is.  

The third part addresses prayer and Packer uses the Lord's Prayer as the model for helping his readers understand prayer. The fourth part deals with living in this world while walking with Jesus. Packer uses the 10 commandments as the guide for this.

The book is over 300 pages long, but each chapter is short which is great if you want to use this book as a devotional read. I think Packer has great practical points in helping his readers to grow in Christ, but, as stated earlier, his view on baptism can be confusing especially for one new to the faith.

I received this book from Crossway in exchange for a review. 

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