Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Book Review: World Religions in Seven Sentences by Douglas Groothuis


There are many religions in the world and sometimes understanding them can exhausting. There are many resources on religion that looks like they were published by a seminary. Many Christians want to understand other religions so they may witness to a friend, co-worker, or neighbor that might be involved in them. 

Douglas Groothuis has written a book to help his readers understand seven of the major world religions including Christianity. The book is titled, World Religions in Seven Sentences. This is part of the seven sentences series published by InterVarsity Press

The seven religions that Groothuis looks at and the sentences associated with them are:

Nietzsche: God is Dead

Judaism: I AM WHO I AM

Hinduism: You Are That

Buddhism: Life Is Suffering

Daoism: The Dao that Can Be Spoken Is Not the Eternal Dao

Christianity: Before Abraham Was, I Am

Islam: There is One God, and Mohammad is His Prophet

Each chapter goes through the basics beliefs of each religion so that the reader can understand it. I am glad Christianity is in this because there are many Christians do not know the basics of the faith and why faith in Christ is essential. 

Granted, this book does not cover every world religion, but it does cover some of the major ones. I wish that Groothuis covered Mormonism and Roman Catholicism which are some have believed they are the same as Christianity, which it is not.

I received this book from InterVarsity Press in exchange for a honest review. 

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