Monday, November 6, 2023

Book Review: Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age by Rosaria Butterfield

The Bible calls Satan the father of lies (John 8:44). Many in the world have bought into his lies and it shows in many ways. All you have to do is turn on the TV or look into social media to see proof of that.

Sadly, many of those lies have crept into the church because there are many Christians who do not practice discernment including pastors. There are too many lies the enemy has made people to believe that it will take a textbook or even a series of books to go through them. Rosaria Butterfield tackles a few of them with Biblical truth and even gives her personal testimony to show their deception. The book is titled, Five Lies of Out Anti-Christian Age.

Butterfield identifies five of areas that seems to be very dominate in our culture. They are:

Homosexuality Is Normal

Being a Spiritual Person Is Kinder than Being a Biblical Christian

Feminism Is Good for the World and the Church

Transgenderism Is Normal

Modesty Is an Outdated Burden That Serves Male Dominance and Holds Women Back

Butterfield takes a Biblical look into these cultural beliefs to equip her readers to understand them and how respond to those who have embraced them. She gives her own personal testimony to God's saving grace in her life which I know will be a blessing for all to read who have never heard of it. This book will be a great resource for those who want to know how to engage the culture or with someone who believes one of the lies Butterfield has written about.

I received this book from Crossway in exchange for an honest review.

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