Monday, December 11, 2023

Book Review: The Case for Life by Scott Klusendorf

In 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the case of Roe v Wade which paved the way for Abortion has legal grounds in our country. It is does not mean that Abortion is illegal in the U.S., but states can now determine if Abortion can be legalized.

Ever since Roe v Wade was overturned, the discussion of Abortion and when is a fetus a human being has been more heated than previous years. While Roe v Wade has been taken down, the work is not over. There are still many who are fighting for Abortion to be totally eradicated from America. There are still many who are standing on the truth of God's Word when it comes to His creation and His design in the womb.

Back in 2009, Scott Klusendorf wrote a book titled, The Case for Life, addressing the issue of Abortion, what does it mean to be pro-life, and how to equip the church in the 21st century regarding the issues being addressed. Klusendorf recently released an updated edition of the book one year after the Supreme Court's decision. 

Disclaimer: I have not read the previous edition of Klusendorf's book so there might be some differences between the first and second edition that I would not be aware of at first unless Scott made it known in his writings.

In this book, Klusendorf addresses what is the pro-life movement, is the Bible pro-life, and defining what is the unborn. Other issues that are discussed such as is there a moral neutral ground when it comes to Abortion, who are about rape, and what happens if a woman dies from an Abortion. There is even sections in the book on equipping pastors as they stand on God's Word as they engaged in these discussions. 

In a post Roe v Wade America, this book will be very helpful to those in church leadership and even anyone who truly believes that all of life came from Almighty God. 

I received this book from Crossway in exchange for an honest review. 

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