Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Book Review: Why Sally Can't Preach by Jacob Tanner


The issue of addressing whether woman can be pastors has been a topic that caused a lot of division among Christians. There are quite a few believers who do not have an issue with a woman pastor while there are others who hold what the Bible says on this issue. 

That was even a hot topic in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Three churches were removed from the SBC including Saddleback Church, which was founded by Rick Warren, for ordaining women to the role of pastors. Many denominations have split over this issue. 

This topic is not going away anytime soon especially with the upcoming annual SBC meeting happening later this year. Can we come to a biblical understanding on this issue? Jacob Tanner dives in this subject in his book, Why Sally Can't Preach

Tanner dives into the biblical qualifications for pastors as mentioned in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. He also addresses the fight churches must take to protect their pulpits from anyone who is unqualified to preach. Churches must be bold in standing for the truth of God's Word in the areas of church leadership. 

One thing that Tanner mentions. He states that a church cannot be conservative if they ordain women to the role of pastor. It will lead a church towards liberalism. I personally have seen it from people who attend churches who have a woman as their pastor. It's not that a woman cannot do ministry. They can, however, God has forbidden them to take the role of pastor. 

As I mentioned, this issue will not be going away anything soon. This is going to continue to be discussed among Christians. The people of God need to be equipped to engage one another in this topic. This book is not very lengthy, but it is a useful tool in regard to the issue of women preachers. 

I received this book from G3 Press in exchange for a honest review.

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