Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Book Review: Holy Spirit: God of Order by Scott Aniol

The Holy Spirit is at work today in the church. There is no denying that. Every Bible believing Christian believes that, however there are disagreements with how the Spirt is working in today.

Charismatics believe that the Spirit is working through the various gifts along with signs and wonders. Cessationists believe that the Spirit is working but He is using the ordinary means of grace to regenerate one's heart and in sanctification. The Holy Spirit does continue to give gifts but does not work in signs and wonders as He did in the New Testament days.

How should Christians expect the Spirit to work in the church today? Scott Aniol addresses this in his latest book, Holy Spirit: God of Order. Why is the subtitle called, "God of Order?" The simple answer is that charismatics "demonstrate" the Spirit's work by having am experience where they lose control which goes against scripture. You never see anyone in the book of Acts lose control when the Spirit came upon them. Galatians 5:22-23 says, "the fruit of the Spirit is...self-control." 

Aniol begins the book with addressing if God is a God of disorder or order. He looks at charismatic theology in regard to the Holy Spirit and how He gifts the church for works of service. Aniol goes on to say how the Spirit works in creation, revelation, salvation, and our sanctification while using Scripture to support his teaching. 

The final chapter deals with worship. If you have ever seen a charismatic church, you know their worship services tend to get a little rowdy where it seems there is no self-control whatsoever. Worship is where we are filled with the Word, not our emotions. We are to build the body by our service to another and we are to receive the ordinary means of grace by hearing God's Word preached.

The issue of the work of the Holy Spirit as well as the gifts of the Spirit have become an increasing hot topic as of late. I am glad many are writing on the subject. Some I agree with, some I do not. I agree with Aniol's conclusions regarding the Holy Spirit and how He works in the church today, which is why I highly recommend this book.

I received this book from G3 Press in exchange for an honest review.

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