Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A Better Message on Psalm 1&2

I recently listened to an episode of Theocast saying that Psalm 1 is not about you. What they were communicating is that no one can the man in Psalm 1 because we can never perfectly obey the Word of God, which is true, and that we do not make an appearance until Psalm 2. Jesus is only One that can be the man in Psalm 1 because He was the only One who can perfectly obey the Word. 

While I get what the Theocast guys were saying my issue was no where did they mention that although we cannot perfectly obey the Bible perfectly, we should strive to be the man that Psalm 1 addresses. We should not walk in the counsel of the wicked, stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of scoffers. We should strive to delight, obey, and love God's Word which we meditate on it all day.

As I mentioned, only Jesus can do this perfectly but that does not mean we should not desire that for ourselves. Thankfully, there is a better sermon on Psalm 1 and 2 that does mention Christ as the man of Psalm 1 and does exhort us to strive to be the blessed man it says. 

This is message from James Hamilton, which was the start of his sermon series in the book of Psalms. A huge thanks to David Hacker for sharing this video.

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