Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Concerns Over the Bible Being Taught in Public Schools

I am sure you have heard that the state of Oklahoma has ordered for the Bible to be taught in public schools. There have been some mixed reactions among Christians and non-Christians. Some are concerned that this will open the door for other religious texts to be taught while others are concerned about foolish things such as indoctrination. 

While it may seem to be a good thing that the Bible being taught in public schools there are some concerns that I have over this issue. I am not saying this is bad idea, but I do have some concerns.

First, who will teach it? Will it be a history or English teacher? Will schools allow a minster from a local church to teach the Bible?  Will it be a Roman Catholic or Protestant? Will it be someone from a false teaching church?

Second, how will it be taught? Will the Bible be presented as a history book or world literature? Will it be presented as the Word of God or a book for behavior modification?

Third, what translation will be used? KJV, NASB, or The Message? What is the translation they will use? I know this might not seem a big deal, but it can be if they get a translation that is hard to read like the KJV.

Fourth, if students are provided a Bible, will they keep it? Textbooks are given to students every year and are required to return them at the end of the semester or school year unless they have gone to Chromebooks like our public school district. Will students keep the Bible they are given or return them which some of them might never pick it up again unless God intervenes.

Finally, how will this affect the church? Will the Bible being taught in the schools decrease attendance from students in the church. Some might even use the Bible class as an excuse to not attend church unless they are regenerate and desire to be part of the body of Christ. Along with this question, how will the church be portrayed in this class? There are some students in schools who already have negative thoughts regarding the church. I am just wondering how this class handle the church.

Do you have concerns regarding the Bible being taught in public school? Do you agree with it? Share your thoughts.

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