Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Book Review: Feelings and Faith by Brian S. Borgman

Emotions are part of life. They come and go. We have feelings of gladness when things go our way. We have feelings of sadness when things go wrong. We have feelings of fear when we are certain of things.

Many in the Christian life like to incorporate faith with their feelings. Sadly, there are some in the Christian faith that think they are not saved because they do not feel saved. 

How can we understand our feelings? How can we regulate them? What role do they play in the Christian life? These are some of the questions Brian S. Borgman answers among others in his book, Feelings and Faith.

The first part of the book addresses a Biblical foundation for our emotions which looks into the character of God followed by having a healthy Biblical anthropology. Next, Borgman addresses how emotions can play a part into our Christian life by putting them under the authority of God's Word and how our emotions should be regulated by the truth of God's Word. 

Emotions are not a bad thing in themself, but they can tend to drive us to sin. Borgman gives practical guidance in mortifying any ungodly emotions such as unrighteous anger, fear, unforgiveness, and depression. Finally, Borgman give council when it comes to cultivate emotions that are God honoring especially in the areas of preaching, worship, prayer, and reading the Bible.

The Reformed community is always accused of being stoic and not showing emotions. Emotions are a good thing given to us by God, and we are to express them in a Biblical manner. This book gives us a healthy, Biblical approach to feelings being incorporated into the Christian life.

I received this book from Crossway in exchange for an honest review. 

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