Friday, September 6, 2024

How Can Michael Brown Serve the "Critics" Better

Dr. Michael Brown is a very intellectual man. He definitely knows his stuff. he has written many books and articles on various subjects including spiritual gifts. He was featured in two roundtable discussions, one with Justin Peters, Sam Storms, and Jim Osman and the other with Holly Pivec and Doug Geivett.

One of the things about Michael Brown that has many Christians concerned is his affiliations with false teachers and his denial that the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) actually exists. Many have pointed out the errors of certain men he calls friend and would not call them a false teacher because he has "spent time with them." He believes NAR is a conspiracy theory. Those who have spoken out against he has called them critics or hyper-critics, whatever that means. 

In a recent discussion with James White on Bibledingers discussing unity, Brown said that he prays for a way he can serve his critics. Well, I am glad that he prays for those who have spoken out against him and I am glad he prays for a way to serve them better. As I was thinking about this, I can one way Dr. Michael Brown can serve his critics better. 

Dr. Michael Brown, if you are reading this, which I highly doubt you will because I am not a huge name in the blogsphere. I do not have a YouTube channel nor a huge following on social media, but I do pray you will see these words, however brief they are, and take them to heart as to serve your "critics." 

Here is how you can serve them and the body of Christ well:

Open your eyes.

Dr. Brown, NAR is real. There have been many who been part of this movement and by God's grace embraced the gospel and got out. NAR has hurts so many that some have rejected Christianity altogether. Churches such as Bethel Church in Redding, CA are causing the name of Christ to be dragged through the mud because of their false teaching and their antics such as grave soaking and fire tunnels. NAR is very real. To say it is not real is no better than those who deny there is a liberal drift in the Southern Baptist Convention. 

Dr. Brown, a lot of the people you associate with are false teachers. They preach a different gospel. They preach looney tunes theology. Sid Roth also invites anyone who visits heaven based on my observation. You did not even tell Benny Hinn to repent until Mike Winger released his video exposing Benny Hinn's teaching. Kenneth Copeland is a health and wealth preacher. He is false teacher who needs to repent and turn to Christ. Yes, you may differ on his teaching, but there are number of sites and videos exposing his teaching.

Dr. Brown, the Bible says we are to mark and avoid "those who cause dissensions and stumblings contrary to the teaching which you learned" (Romans 16:17). We are not even to receive them in our house (2 John 9), yet you they are coming into many Christian homes and various churches because you have given them your seal of approval because you have "spent time with them." Your spending time with should show their heart and the fruit that Jesus did tell us to look for when it came to false prophet (Matthew 7:15-20). 

Dr. Brown, I pray God will you a heart of discernment so you may have your eyes opened to the false teaching that you have so easily looked over and begin to preach against them. I am not asking you to become a Calvinist or Cessationist. A lot of videos exposing NAR and false teachers associated with them as pointed by David Lovi are not Calvinists. They are either Lutheran or Continualist. There are some Continualists who believe the signs gifts are still around, but they reject the teachings of Bethel Church.

Dr. Brown, if you want to serve your "critics," have discernment. Open God's Word and compare it to the theology of NAR and those you refuse to dub false teachers. Having you in this fight will honor the Lord and serve the body well.

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