Monday, October 7, 2024

Book Review: Let Men Be Free by Brandon James Crawford

Christians have said that America is a Christian nation. To be honest, it is really not. Yes, this nation was found on godly principles, but it does not mean we are a Christian nation. America did not enter into covenant with God like Israel did. 

There has been great discussion about Christians and politics these days to the point where there are huge disagreements especially on the topic of Christian nationalism. Should Christians be involved in politics? Should Christians be involved in anything when it comes to the laws of the land?

Brandon James Crawford looks at a healthy balance of Christianity and politics as well as an alternative to Doug Wilson and Stephen Wolfe's ideals for Christian nationalism in his book, Let Men Be Free: A Christian Vision for Ordered Liberty

This book begins with a look what Crawford states a better way in system of government that reconciles public order and personal freedom. he dubs it "biblically-ordered liberty" where the church and state are "regulated and relating to one another in the ways prescribed by the Lord Jesus Christ as articulated in Holy Scripture." This is must different from what Stephen Wolfe was considering because he based his case for Christian nationalism on philosophy and Thomism. 

Crawford goes on to remind his readers that Christ is King. He still rules even when the governments of the world do not seek to honor Him as Lord. He continues to state that every man in a nation with a balance of government and church working together has basic fundamental rights such earn a living, be a family man, and also equal rights under the law.

Crawford then addresses the mandates for the state and the church. The state is to be as God intended. The state is to make laws where evil is punished, and everyone is protected. The church is to do what Scripture dictates and that is to worship God and be salt and light to those who are lost. The church is not to go back in the days where the Roman Catholic church did where they ruled the land and was extremely involved in the government which included the punishment of those who were not part of the church, which is something, according to Crawford, Christian nationalists want to return to. 

At the end of the book, Crawford reminds his readers there will be a day when the King of Kings will rule this world, and His laws will be established everywhere which there will be no debate. That will be a glorious day from all Christians to witness. 

I will confess this is a tough book to review because I want to be fair and make sure that I have communicated what this book does communicate. I will say that I found this book more Biblically based over Stephen Wolfe's book on Christian nationalism where he gave no biblical support for his claims. You may not agree with Crawford's writing, but I challenge everyone to grab a copy and see for yourself.

I received this book from G3 Press in exchange for an honest review.

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