Brian and Jenn are the son and daughter-in-law of Bill Johnson, the pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California, who have written several worship songs from Bethel Music. That should make any believe just simply stop and wonder why Shane and Shane are teaming up with a church such as Bethel. Bethel Church are part of the New Apostolic Reformation and teach the Word of Faith heresy that many such as Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, and Benny Hinn preach.
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) believe that new apostles will arise who will have more authority than the apostles of the New Testament. The Word of Faith is simply if you declare it, whatever it is, will happen. They also believe that God wants you to be healthy and wealthy. Bill Johnson believes that is not God's will for anyone to be sick and praying "God's will be done" is a lack of faith.
Bethel Church has preached some heresies over the years and yet churches love using their music. Individual Christians have no issue with these songs because they sound Biblical and give the people listening some kind of emotional response. By the way, Bethel Church are not the only ones who have done this. Hillsong and Elevation Church are heretical churches that produce music that churches even some Reformed churches have no problem singing.
Shane and Shane is another group, or in this case duo, in Contemporary Christians Music (CCM) that have no issues with singing Bethel songs. They have a music ministry called the Worship Initiative, which have released nearly 30 albums filled with worship songs from various artists including Bethel. They have a website where churches can get the sheet music to various songs. Granted they do have songs from trusted musicians such as Sovereign Grace and Matt Boswell, but it seems the Worship Initiative is only concerned with getting songs to churches that are easy to play without checking out the source.
Shane and Shane have produced many great albums over the years including a couple of them in the Psalms. This partnership is troubling because of what Bethel Church teaches as well as Jenn Johnson, herself. One of her most famous teachings in on the Holy Spirit, whom she says is like the Genie from Aladdin. Jenn also said that angles have farting contests around the throne of God.
These are just two examples of the lunacy that Jenn Johnson has taught and believes yet Shane and Shane are partnering with them for a concert. Now some may say that they could be preaching the gospel while giving the people good worship songs in this concert. That is a good point but Shane and Shane have performed Bethel songs not just in their Worship Initiative albums but also in worship at a conference which I got to hear livestream.
Shane and Shane is just one of many in CCM world that have associated themselves with false teachers. I remember seeing Matt Redman sharing on social media that he led worship as a Joyce Meyer conference. Joyce Meyer is a health and wealth prosperity preacher. She even believes she is not a sinner. I have enjoyed Matt's music over the years, but this concerning. Why would you lead worship for a false teacher?
What does the Bible say about associating with false teachers. First, we are to mark and avoid them. The Apostle Paul said, "Now I urge you, brothers, to keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and stumblings contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them" (Romans 16:17, LSB). We are to run from them. False teachers will say true things every now and then, but it does not mean we embrace them.
Second, do not associate with them. The Bible says, "Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. The one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting, for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds" (2 John 9-11, LSB). We are not to give any hand of fellowship with them.
Paul wrote, "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? Or what agreement has a sanctuary of God with idols? For we are a sanctuary of the living God; just as God said, “I will dwell in them and walk among them; And I will be their God, and they shall be My people" (2 Corinthians 6:14-16, LSB). Jesus told us we will know them by their fruit (Matthew 7:15-20) so why would we want to do with anyone who preaches a false gospel, which is no gospel at all.
Pastors, if you won't quote Bill Johnson, Steven Furtick, or any false teacher, then why would you use music from them? You are associated with those churches and even giving them support by using their music. The same thing with Shane and Shane. You sing their songs; you are supporting them. You do a concert with them, you say to the church, they are good to partner with.
Proverbs 13:20 says, "He who walks with the wise will be wise, But the friend of fools will suffer harm" (LSB). Who you associate with matters. Shane and Shane, I pray that you will read the comments on your Facebook page and see the concern many have on your partnership with Brian and Jenn Johnson.
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