How are Christians supposed to engage the culture regarding this issue? What does the church need to know to think biblically on climate change? Virgil Walker and Darrell Harrison have written a book to help Christians grasp a biblical worldview on climate change titled, A Biblical Theology of Climate Change.
This book begins with an understanding of what climate change is all about. Walker and Harrison dive into exposing climate change not just a worldview but as a religion for many. They also teach on being good stewards in caring for creation. Christians are not called to worship creation, which includes the planet Earth, but to care for all of creation.
Walker and Harrison dive into some historical theology and see what men in the history of the church have said regarding creation. They also address how Christians need to reclaim a biblical view regarding science. Many times, Christians look at science as anti-God. Yes, men have used sciences to discredit God, but if we look at science biblically, we can see it as a means of common grace to see it as a way of identifying God's work in creation.
Walker and Harrison look at the pagan influences into climate change and how Christians can respond. What our authors challenge their readers is for Christians to return to a biblical worldview regarding creation and reject all of these pagan influences because they are no benefit including the worship of mother earth.
Walker and Harrison explore what is called Net Zero. To be honest, I never heard of term but have heard the concept behind it. Net Zero is "the idea of human activity must balance all carbon emissions, effectively eliminating any carbon footprint, by offsetting emissions through various means, such as carbon capture technologies, renewable energy, and reforestation." As our authors say, this does sound like a noble task, but when you really dig down deep into this discussion. it is another attempt by sinful man to play God and use technology and political power in attempt to control the climate of the world.
There is so much to unpack in this book that my little review will not do it justice. This book comes with discussion guides for individual and group studies. There is even a guide for family devotions and homeschool studies. This issue is not going away anytime soon, and Christians need to be aware and equipped on how to engage our culture biblically.
I highly recommend every pastor, elder, deacon, Sunday School teacher, student, layman, and yes, parent, to get this book and read it. It is not lengthy, but it does contain a lot of information you need to know.
I received this book from G3 Press in exchange for an honest review.
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