What Can and Cannot Change in Our Relationship With God by Justin Taylor
Love what Mohler says at the end of this article:
So, in the waning days of Newsweek as a print magazine, the editors decided to take on the New Testament. Readers should note carefully that it is Newsweek, and not the New Testament, that is going out of print.
Apparently in England, Atheists and Pagans are out numbered by Jedi Knights
One Church in Arizona decided to poke a little fun at the Arizona Cardinals. Wonder if this sign will make Ed Stetzer's website?
Speaking of Ed Stetzer, he has a lot of followers on Twitter, I'm one of them, and he follows a lot of people too, I'm one of them as well. Unfortunately with all those followers, he cannot respond to all his messages, so here are six reasons why he cannot respond to our tweets
By the way, in case you did not notice, Wednesday was 12/12/12. In case you did not hear, there were 5 births on 12/12/12 at 12:12
Someone forgot to tell me The Dark Knight Rises was originally filmed in Lego:
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