Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Book Review: Crucifying Morality by R.W. Glenn

Never just a book by its title. I know it is not the traditional saying everyone is accustomed to, but it rings truth with R.W. Glenn's book, Crucifying Morality. When I first heard about this book, I thought it was a book about how our culture has been taking traditional morals and crucifying them because no one wants to do anything with them. Thankfully, I was wrong about what this book was about.

R.W. Glenn talks the beatitudes of Jesus in Matthew 5:1-12 to talk about Christ is calling us not a moralism, but to follow him without obey the do's and don'ts of religion. Too many times, preachers have taken the beatitudes and turn into a moralistic sermon series that would make people feel guilty because they have not done what Jesus said we need to do in order to be blessed by God. What Glenn says about the beatitudes is, "The Beatitudes are all about Jesus. Seek him through the gospel and you will be a new person, enjoying all the benefits of a relationship with God, living in the kingdom. Christianity is about coming over and over again to rest in the life that Jesus lived and the death he died for you as a gift of sheer grace" (pg. 19).

Each chapter takes you through each of the beatitudes of Jesus and how we can live them through the lens of the gospel. Glenn tries not to go over anyone's head. He keeps it simple to the point where anyone believer, new or seasoned, can read and understand. One thing I loved about the book is at the end of each chapter, Glenn has some reflection questions for the reader to ask himself under the titles, "For Your Head," "For Your Heart," "For Your Church," and "For Your City." This book would be great not for an individual to read, but also to read in a small group together.

Thanks Shepherd Press for letting me review this book.

1 comment:

  1. Chris,

    Thanks for contributing to the blog tour.

    Shaun Tabatt
    Cross Focused Reviews

