Thursday, July 24, 2014

More Observations from Vacation Bible School

A couple of days ago, I shared my observations from day one of VBS. We have had two days since then and I would like to share more on what I have observed from what has been taught so far.

Day two was about Jesus being more than a good man which is great topic of discussion for kids because many adults think Jesus was just a good man who died for a noble cause. The lessons pointed to the miracle of feeding the 5,000. Day three focused on the resurrection which is the big evangelism push for VBS. What I loved about the lesson is that it pointed to Jesus being resurrected as God approving Jesus' life, ministry, and death. Even though, the lesson may not have said those words exactly but that is what the Bible teaches (see Romans 4:24-25).

In my last post, I mentioned how impressed I was with the music the kids are learning this year. One of the songs the kids learned was the infamous "ABC" song which stands for Admit, Believe, and Confess. While the song was fun and proclaimed that Jesus is alive, it showed what the purpose of the ABC's were for the Christian faith. The song was a good one but it would have been better if the ABC's were left out. To borrow a phrase from Mike Leake, the ABC's "are an inadequate whole gospel presentation." However, I would affirm the writers for using the word repent in that presentation because in years past, repentance was never mentioned.

I am not sure of any decisions at this time as far as if any kid has put their faith in Jesus or has answered the call to ministry. We have two more nights and I pray our church will glorify God in presenting the gospel to all the kids that show up. Friday night is our big family night and I pray the parents will see their kids excited for Jesus and cause them to be excited as well.

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