Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Reasons Not To Leave A Church

People leave churches for good reasons. One example when a church starts promoting a Jesus plus something salvation or religious rules to keep everyone in check. People also leave churches for the wrong reasons and some of them are, to be blunt, stupid. I remember hearing the story of a church split because they could not agree on the color of the carpet for their renovations.

There are many reason Christians leave a church but some of them may not be the right ones. Here are a few reasons you should not leave a church:

1. Different Eschatology.

If the majority of your church holds a different interpretations of the end times than you, that does not mean you should jump ship. We all agree that Jesus will return one day, we just have different ideas on how that will happen.

2. Bible translations.

If you use the ESV and your preacher uses the NKJV, that does not give you ground to the leave the church. We all have our preferences but there should not cause us to break fellowship.

3. Worship style.

If your church preaches the word of God faithfully and is sound in their doctrine, then how songs are sung should be secondary. Whether you got just a piano or a praise band, if your worship is genuine, who cares about the style.

4. Clothing attire.

Your pastor wears a suit and tie but you don't. For some churches that is not an issue. On the flip side, you are a suit and tie guy and everyone around you is not. No where in the Bible do we see what to wear in corporate worship except for the women to dress modestly. Preferences in what to wear on Sunday should not be a reason to leave a church unless it becomes a legalistic issue.

5. Home School vs. Public School.

Churches should never look down on parents who decide to send their kids to public school or decide to home educate their kids. There should not be a fight among people in the church about why one is better than the other. There are some advantages and disadvantages for both, but all parents are in the same boat. Parent are called to raise their children in the Lord. Parents should cling to another when the stress of parenting becomes overwhelming. Parents of home schooled children can learn from those who have public school kids and vice versa. This issue should never cause a family wanting to leave a church.

There are many more reasons why people leave a church. There are good reasons and not so good reasons. If you want to leave a church, there needs to be Biblical grounds.

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