Monday, August 21, 2017

Christians: Tip Well

If you ask anyone in the restaurant business what is one of their busiest times of the week, most of them would say Sunday afternoon because of people coming from church. If you ask what is their most stressful times of the week, they would probably say Sunday afternoon as well. Most people in the restaurant business would say their waiters get more harsh treatment from people who just came from church than anyone time of the week. One way, they have treated waiters harshly is by not giving them a proper tip from their service or none at all.

Most people who come from a church service want a quick meal so they can get home and enjoy the rest of their afternoon without even thinking about the consequence of their actions towards those who work in the restaurant business. Most people who go to restaurants are unaware that these waiters receive most of their income from tips. They do not make the minimum wage of $7.25 (this is the minimum wage in Texas), but they can probably make (guessing from my wife's personal experience) $2.15. I have talked to waiters who will make $50.00 one night and $500.00 the next night depending on the day and the number of guests they have.

People tip their waiters based in the service they had received and the quality of food. Sometimes, the personality of the waiter can help. However, for some Christians, they can be pretty stingy when it comes to tipping their waiters. Most of the times, it is over stupid stuff such as we had to wait 30 minutes for our table. Other times could be the preferences of their waiters. Recently on Twitter, there was a waitress who had a tattoo showing her support from homosexual marriage. The Christians at the table did not tip her at all and left note saying, "I can't tip someone who does not love Jesus." What these Christians were doing is not only presenting a bad witness to this waitress, but making the rest of us (believers in Christ) look like we will only support those who love Jesus. By the way, the bill for the meal was over $60.00, which many would have left a generous tip for that waitress.

Christians, we need to present Christ better at restaurants and one way to that is tip well. Yes, your waiter may be in some sinful lifestyle, but we were shown kindness by God who poured out His mercy on us in our time of need. God shows His love that while we were still sinners Christ died on the cross (Romans 5:8). We are called to be God's ambassadors everywhere we go and that includes a restaurant.

What if you receive bad service, still be generous because God has been generous to us even when we fall short as a believer especially on Sunday. The way we conduct ourselves in a restaurant especially when we tip well, communicates a better message then not tipping someone who lives in a lifestyle that we don't agree with.

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