Monday, August 31, 2020

Book Review: Anyone But Me by Ray Comfort

Seems like whenever evangelism is mentioned there tends to be a little bit of fear and anxiety from some Christians. Some do not like talking in front of people or to a complete stranger. Some are afraid they might not be able to answer a person's question. Some are just simply afraid of saying the wrong word. While we may have concerns and maybe even some fear, we should rest in the fact that we do not be afraid when proclaiming the gospel whether one-on-one or in a group of people. Jesus did promise He will with us to the end of the age, but even that promise, for some, does not help our fear.

Ray Comfort's latest book, Anyone But Me, addresses how Christians can their faith without be afraid. The first thing he addresses is being loving to lost people and all around us, however, the primary reason we should share the gospel is because our love and devotion to Almighty God. The next thing we must remember that is we must be obedient to this mandate of evangelism. God will guide us and give us the strength to be obedient even when we are shaking in our boots while proclaiming the gospel. 

One thing that Comfort expresses to help confront our fear of evangelism is to practice. Maybe with another believer or preach yourself in front of the mirror. Know what you are going to say. I hear many preachers practice what they are going to say before getting to the pulpit which a lot times is not 100% to the point of what they practice, but it does help. Another thing to help confront our fears is knowing what the gospel is not. As I mentioned earlier, Christians are afraid of saying the wrong thing when proclaiming the gospel. One way that we can fight that fear is knowing what the gospel is and what it is not. 

Finally, to help overcome our fear is to be praying. Pray to the Lord for the one(s) you are about to tell the Good News of Christ and pray that He will give the strength to proclaim His gospel without fear. Also be praying that the recipient's heart will be sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to repent and follow Jesus Christ. 

If you are timid when it comes to evangelism, trust me we all have those tendencies, then I encourage you to read over this book and prayerfully consider the things Comfort is writing about.

Disclaimer: I received this book from Baker Books in exchange for a review

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