Thursday, November 5, 2020

Book Review: Spiritual Intelligence by Kris Vollotton

Have you ever done an IQ test? I never have nor do I care to do one. If you have, I am not condemning you. I just don't see the point of it. I have known some smart people who are not very intelligent. We are intelligent in many ways whether it is book smarts or you know how to create a computer program without an assistance. I recently heard one of the contestants on "The Amazing Race" that he put together a piece of furniture from IKEA without the instructions. That is pretty impressive. 

If you have or have not taken an IQ test, would you be interested in a SQ test which is a spiritual IQ test that was created by Kris Vollotton, who is one of the associate pastors of Bethel Church. Yes, that Bethel Church from Redding, CA, which is pastored by Bill Johnson and where we get their so-called worship music and the band Jesus Culture. You might be thinking why in the world am I reading this book. To be honest, I asked myself that same question when I requested to review this book. One reason is that I know there will be a few Christians that will read this and think this will be good. I am about to give you a spoiler before I give you my thoughts, this book belongs in the dumpster and set on fire along with teaching that comes from Bethel. Now to the review and hopefully will keep my sanity in the process.

The subtitle of the book says, "The Art of Thinking like God." Right here you see where this book is going. It is probably going to abuse 1 Corinthians 2:16 which says "we have the mind of Christ." which Vollotton did. Isaiah 55 says God's thoughts are not our thoughts, but Vollotton believes we can think like him. Vollotton has a neurologist by the name of Karen Garnaas contributing to the forward of the book. There is nothing with reading a book about neurology, but having a neurologist speaking on spiritual thinking is a way of using worldly ideologies into a matter of spiritual principles which Vollotton thinks he is teaching when he is really not.

The basis of the book is to discover our Spiritual IQ, or SQ as he calls it. What that means is having a mind that sensitive to what God is revealing to them by revelation. That revelation is divine revelation that is not in the Bible nor is it General Revelation which God has revealed Himself to all men through creation. We somehow receive some spiritual superpower from all of this like Spider-man being bitten by a radioactive spider. 

 As we engage our quest to find our Spiritual IQ, God will give us a "Sword of Revelation," which means we become co-revealers of God. Anybody's head hurting yet? This is what Bethel does. They teach that God will give you revelation and give you some supernatural ability to do the will of God which for Bethel means bring heaven to earth by performing signs and wonders. 

I think I got halfway through the book before I banged my head. This was filled with New Age Philosophy that Christians have no business dealing with. I have not even got to the best part, the Spiritual IQ test. Basically, Vollotton gives you a serious of questions that you give a response from the numbers 0-4. At the end of the test, you add the numbers up to see what your Spiritual IQ. The higher your score, the more mature you are. The lower you score, the more your potential is and what you need to do to become more mature. 

Christians, do yourself a favor and do not buy into this nonsense Bethel is selling you. Not just in this book, but in publication they are selling. Stay away from the Passion Translation, Bethel Music and Jesus Culture. 

I received this book from Chosen Publishers in exchange for a review.

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