Tuesday, November 3, 2020

No Matter What

Today is Election Day in the United States, which to some, it might be the most critical election in recent history. There have been record turnouts for early voting and there might one for today as people go to the polls. The one election that everyone is paying attention to is the one for President of the United States. We have Donald Trump seeking a second term versus Joe Biden, who was Vice President under Barack Obama.

There are issues of religious liberty at stake in this election as well as other issues which I am going into because I hope you are aware of what they are. I know who I voted for and resting in the Sovereignty of God regardless of who wins the President Election. By the way, it was not just voting for President that was on the ballot. Our city is voting for the man who would be Mayor and we have a school bond, which if passed, will raise property tax. We also had propositions that our city is considering as well voting for state senators. 

I am not sure what your state or city is voting for besides President, but I hope that you take the time to weight the issues and vote. This is a democracy which means those who rule over us is by the will of the people, however, Christians know that is not the will of the people that ultimately decide who will be running our country, it is the will of God. Romans 13:1 says, "For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God."

This is why we can rest in the sovereignty of God because it is God who has brought rulers, whether elected by the people or taken it by force, into the position they are in. We also know that Jesus is the true King of the world and no matter what happens during this election, He is still King. God is still sovereign. His plan is still unfolding before us even though we have no idea what He is doing. We do see in hindsight that He works all things for His glory and our good. 

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