Monday, November 2, 2020

Is The Reformation Over?

In the contemporary age of ecumenism and pluralism, many in broader Christendom would suggest the issues at stake during Reformation are no longer relevant. Nothing could be further from the truth. As noted above, the Reformation flowed from the conviction that Christ is the head of the church. That fountainhead doctrine motivated the Reformers’ commitment to the authority of Scripture and informed their understanding of the gospel. 

Those biblical convictions remain as relevant today as they were in the sixteenth century. Faithful churches are characterized by their wholehearted exaltation of Christ as Lord, their unwavering adherence to His Word, and their bold proclamation of His gospel. These are not merely Reformation principles. They have marked true believers in every generation.

When we celebrate the Reformation as evangelical Christians, we not only commemorate an important part of our spiritual heritage. We also identify ourselves with these core biblical convictions. Reformation month is not about putting the Reformers on a pedestal; it’s about re-affirming the principles for which the Reformers lived and died. It reminds us of our commitment to the primacy of Christ, the priority of Scripture, and the purity of the gospel. To that end, may we honor the Lord exclusively, follow His Word consistently, and preach the gospel of grace courageously.

Read the entire post here.

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