Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Abandon Social Media?

As many of you are aware, Facebook, Twitter, and many other online avenues has removed President Donald Trump from their sites saying he was to blame for the riots that happened on the Capital Building in Washington D.C. I know there are many opinions about went down along with finger pointing, but this is not what I am going to be addressing.

Over this past weekend, many have made comments that they were going to leave Facebook and Twitter for a more conservative social media platform such as Parler and MeWe. Then news came out that Apple was going ban Parler from their App store. 

Some have even made the comment that they were leaving social media altogether, which is their choice. I have noticed an increasing number of people on Twitter saying they have lost followers. I have lost around 20 followers over the weekend which is nothing new when they realize that I am committed to the gospel of Christ or they are one of those accounts that just follows you just so you can follow them back.

Many are concerned that the tech companies are coming for their accounts and would even censor them because they are committed to Biblical truth and not bending the knee to the culture. So the question that is being asked, should we abandon social media?

This is a great question that one should not treat lightly. I have been on social media for a long time and have had a good time on their connecting with believers from all over world and reconnecting from friends I grew up with in Houston and ones from college. I will admit that I have won a few contests on social media. 

I know social media has become a cesspool for arguments as of late. People, especially Christians, seem to argue about anything from baptism to pineapple on pizza. So let me answer this question as best as I possibly can. 

Should we abandon social media? I say no. Here is why. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic many are not talking face-to-face with one another as we use to. Social media provides that platform for us to engage with people and speak the truth in love to fellow believers. I know there are some trolls out there that want to make their opinions known no matter what you say. You really have to answer those guys, but there are some that want clarification. Those are the ones we must speak truth to. 

Social media has become the new public square during these COVID-19 days where we must proclaim the gospel to those who are willing to listen (or read). So does that mean stop posting the sports meme? Nah. Share with people what you enjoy. You never know, by God's providence, it could lead to a witnessing opportunity.  

If you are reading this and know someone, whether yourself or someone else, that has abandoned social media, it is their freedom in Christ to do so just as engaging in it. Many have reasons for getting on social media and there are others who leave it for various ones as well. I hope the primary reason you are on there is to glorify God and edify the saints. Yes, social media is not a church, but we do engage with believers from all over the world so that we may edify one another and also engage with those who do not want to step foot into a church building.

There may come a time when we will be removed from Twitter, Facebook, and other sites. There might be a day when "Keeping the Main Thing" will be removed from the web because I am committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ and Biblical values. Till then, we press on. We keep preaching. We keep living for the glory of God even when we can't post photos of our activities, if that day comes. Till then, I will committing to proclaim Christ on this blog and on social media. I will also continue to share my love of my favorite TV shows, sports teams, and the right to proclaim pineapple does go on pizza. Press on, my brethren.  

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