Thursday, June 3, 2021

Fathers: Don't Neglect Spiritually Feeding Your Family

One of the most basic thing that every parent should be doing is making sure your kids are well fed. I mean who can mess that up. Okay, maybe some of you have done that and you feel terrible about it. You tell the kids you're sorry and make sure you make it up to them with a Happy Meal and Ice Cream. 

While it is important to make sure our kids get a well-balanced meal even if it is chicken nuggets for the 100th time, it is most important to make sure that our families are being well-fed spiritually. I know it is easy to concentrate on your walk with Jesus that you neglect your kids spiritual growth. 

Fathers, is not just regarding your children's spiritual well-being. I am also referring to your wife's spiritual growth as well. Men, we are to lead by example. We are to lead our families well. Yes, we will mess up. Yes, we will blow it at times, but we are lead our families to the best of our abilities.

With one kid in college and the other in high school, I admit there are some things I wish I could have done differently with them when they were younger. Yes, I read the Bible to them and talked with them about Christian principles, but I know I could have done more. I also know that I am not alone in this struggle. We tend to see Proverbs 22:6 as a promise more than a principle, but God's grace is bigger than our mistakes in parenting.  

As a father and head of the household it is my duty to make sure that I spiritually feed my family. My prayer is when they are grown and moved out of the house they will continue to walk in the light as He is in the light. 

Husbands, make sure your wife is being spiritual fed as well. Encourage her to read the Bible. If she does not know where to start, help her out, but do not scold her. Be gentle with her. Read the Bible together and ask what would help her to grow. 

Will spiritually feeding your family continue to be a struggle? Yes, it will. This is why we must ask for strength from God as we lead our families. 

What if I have never done anything to help my family grow spiritually? Repent and start today. It is never too late to do the right thing. It might be an adjustment, but with time you will be able to have times of refreshing as you engage with your family and grow together in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ. 

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