Monday, September 20, 2021

When Will I Return to Blogging?

Well, hello everyone. It certainly has been a while. It has been nearly two months since I posted on this site. I hope everyone had a great summer. I know there has been a lot that has happened including recent developments in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and following a podcast on the church formally known as Mars Hill.

I have had a lot going on that was preventing me from working on this blog. I have to admit there were days I wanted to write but held back. I have wanted to speak on the whole plagiarism that has been all over the SBC for the past few months, but did that on social media along with sharing posts from other sites. I also wanted to share my thoughts on that Mars Hill podcast, which I might in a later time. 

I am hoping to return to blogging more content soon. What I hope to do is write more articles than sharing videos, which there is nothing wrong with that. I will continue to share videos of messages that I hope will continue to edify the body on Christ online. I will mostly share videos on social media rather than on the blog, but that could change.

Another thing that I hope I will do is more Bible study on the blog. I am not sure how I want to go about that. My goal was never to replace the local church, but point people to Jesus and provide sound content to edify the body of Christ. So do not expect a sermon unless it one I preach in a church. I want to help the church online as best as possible and encourage believers as we sojourn in this world which seems to get a little more crazier each day, if you know what I mean. 

I am grateful to the Lord for giving me this site. I am grateful for all of you who have followed this blog even though there are tons of better sites than mine. I am also grateful for all who follow me on social media especially the past five years during Baseball season (Go Astros!!!). 

I am looking forward to see what the Lord will do through this blog. I am not sure when the next post will come or what it will be about, but my goal is to honor the Lord in all I say and do. 

God bless all of you. 

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