Friday, July 15, 2022

Book Review: The Way of A Christian

John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress is one of the most popular books in the Christian church. Some pastors and theologians has stated this is the best book to read outside the Bible. The book has been republished more than a lot of fictional books and the language has been updated more than any other literally work. There are a few movie adaptation to Bunyan's classic including an animated movie which released in 2019.

This book, The Way of A Christian, is a devotional book based on The Pilgrim's Progress. I have to admit I had some challenges reading this devotional for a couple of reasons. First, I have yet read The Pilgrim's Progress all the way through. As most of you know, this is an allegorical story, which is also a work of fiction. I have have a love/hate relationship with the fiction genre. I can read a 1,000 page book on systematic theology without breaking a sweat. However, when it comes to fiction, I struggle keeping up with the story that I want to put the book down and see if there was a visual or audio version of the book, which I am not following the exhortation from the classic Christian band, White Heart, which one of their albums is titled, "Don't Wait for the Movie."

Second, this book is published by Chosen Books, which publishes mostly book teaching Charismatic Theology. So I am preparing myself for teaching that is going to be far left-field. I am believe in the doctrines of grace and also am a cessationist which believes the Apostolic sign gifts such as healing and speaking in tongues have ceased. It is does not make God has stopped healing or doing miracles. It also does not mean that spiritual gifts such as teaching, giving, and hospitality has ceased. 

The third challenge as I gaze into this devotional is the author of the work is not identified. I have searched for who wrote this devotional, but was unsuccessful. So that puts me, and anyone, at a disadvantage not knowing who wrote this book, but we do know the devotions are based on Bunyan's work. 

The subtitle to this devotional says, "Life Lessons from Pilgrim's Progress." So the writer of this devotional takes elements from Bunyan's work and help apply to its readers. The goal is for the reader to have a deeper walk with Jesus, which that should be the goal of any devotional book. However, they want the reader to also live a victorious life, which is something Charismatics teach all the time. Yes, Christ is the One who has overcome the world and He has the victory, but no where in Scripture are we to live a victorious life. 

There are Bible verses in this devotional, but life a certain bestselling book from a man who claimed to have trained over 1 million pastors, the writer uses different Bible translations to suit what they want to communicate. The writer uses such translations as Contemporary English Version (CEV), GOD'S WORD Translation, and New Living Translation (NLT). They even uses versions of the Bible that are not even translations at all such as the Voice (I am not referring to the singing competition show) and the Passion Translation. The New American Bible (NAB) is also used which is what the Roman Catholic church uses. 

At the end of the book, the writer attempts to present the gospel which is something that I appreciate. It did say that Jesus came to wash us of our sins, but there was no mention of repentance. The writer goes on to say that we are a child of heaven (Child of God is the more appropriate term), who has been born of Christ's blood and confirmed by baptism in water and by His Spirit. Yes, Christ's blood atoned for our sins. Yes, we are baptized by immersion to be identified as believers. Yes, every Christ has been baptized by the Spirit but not in the way the Charismatics teach. We are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit as Ephesians 1 tells us. In short, this gospel presentation fell flat.

As I mentioned, there were some challenges in reading this book. I wanted to be fair. There are some agreements I have with the book, but I think what everyone needs to do is have their Bibles opened next them as they read Pilgrim's Progress and just leave this book out of it.

I received this book from Chosen Books in exchange for a review.

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